In the pursuit of advancing upper limb prosthetics, an inquiry that has captured my attention pertains to the specific categories and quantity of individuals requiring such devices.
Within this user spectrum lie individuals with amputations as well as those born with congenital hand deformities; however, this post will concentrate solely on characterizing amputees.

Upon delving into the upper limb amputation statistics offered by Terrence Sheehan [1], a remarkable observation surfaces: the preponderance of upper limb amputations involves finger loss, accounting for a substantial 78% of all hand-related amputations within medical facilities. While certain references present conflicting numbers (such as references 16 and 42 mentioned in the article), thorough investigation into these references becomes imperative. Nevertheless, this data sheds light on a significant potential beneficiary group for research pertaining to modular prosthetic hand devices—specifically, individuals who have experienced finger amputations.

[1] Rehabilitation and Prosthetic Restoration in Upper Limb Amputation by Terrence P. Sheehan link